Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Survey Says...

1.  Sorry, no pictures recently, I can not find my camera... I am very sad :(  But trust me Jadon is as cute as EVER!  Hopefully I will find it soon.
2. Our due date for our new baby is January 30th!!  And this FRIDAY we find out if Jadon will have a little brother or sister!!  Any guesses??


April said...

You need to post some preggo pictures of youself missy!! :)
I say... Girl!

J, D, and A said...

So no guesses... I'm not very good at that but your little one is due on my birthday. How fun! Well I hope you are feeling well. I can't wait to find out what you guys are having. Talk to you soon.

tialatha said...

I say a girl.. we are getting our third grand daughter next month and I am so excited!!!
I too would like to see some tummy pictures...:)

Kelly said...

David, Kate and Jadon,
Congratulations! We are so happy for your family! And I wanted you to know that I love your blog. We miss you guys and hope to see you sometime, soon.
Scott, Kelly, Annemarie and Mia Kallner