Friday, March 13, 2009

It's been a while!

Sorry I haven't posted recently!  It has been a combination of time and sickness.  Jadon, the poor baby, got sick for the first time, besides colds.  He got the flu.  Fever for 3 days... really feeling terrible.  Ben and I spent a couple days at my dad's since Ben was only 5 weeks old... very dangerous for a infant to get the flu.  Amazingly, graciously Jadon was the only one who got sick... is that not miraculous or what?  And Jadon was the only one with a flu shot.  Thankfully that is over and he is back to his old self!  
And then time... 2 little ones take up... Time!!  They are both wonderful and sweet!  Ben is nearly sleeping through the night about 7 hour stretch, repeat with me Hallelujah!  He has actually always been a good sleeper, but he is even better now.  He will be 2 months old Monday. I am just trying to work on him being ready for bed at 9pm instead of 10pm or + sometimes.  Any ideas??  
Jadon is saying more and more and the words he does say are getting clearer and clearer.  And he is just a great little buddy.  He will be 2 next month.  Sometimes we feel like he is 2, but he is not too contrary and pretty reasonable... maybe you shouldn't say things like that!  
One last note,  I am so glad Spring is coming!!  I thought I loved Fall the best, now I think I love Spring... being outside, not too cold, not sick season!  We are doing our backyard right now.  Putting in a garden, landscaping etc.  I'll try to take some pictures!  I am loving gardening.  It's nice something we can all do together, well Ben either sleeps or watches... moral support!


Photo Shoot 2

The Most comfortable bed...

Jadon and daddy, Jadon is about 2 1/2 weeks younger than Ben in this picture.
Just for fun... here are some pictures of Jadon at Ben's age. My theory, is they don't really start looking like what they are going to look like until about 4 months old...

Very cute... and very strange child!

Ben Photo Shoot

Hi Ben! Up close
Photo shoot over... I get it

Ben Burdick!...

it has a ring to it... doesn't it!
And what a sweet little baby he is!

Daddy and his boys!

And what a great daddy they have! And what good men they will become with their daddy's godly influence! When I look at these pictures I see hundreds and hundreds of soccer games, hockey games, baseball games, pillow fights, wrestling matches... (My only rule is I can't be underneath the pillow fight/ wrestling match... how does that always happen?) I have decided since I have boys that I am really going to learn to like what they like. Truth be told naturally I lean more towards sewing, scrapbooking, do anything involving crafting, planting flowers, shopping... I am really going to get into whatever the boys get into. For instance if they are really into soccer, I am going to learn all about soccer (I actually have no idea about most anything in soccer... I know you're supposed to kick it in the goal...) You know, whose in the World Cup (one more soccer fact I know!) who are the good teams, positions etc. I don't want to just support them in what they like, I want to really like it and be excited about it too. So, I am excited to see what new horizons await!