Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Daddy and Jadon

Jadon is a big helper.  And is actually very helpful, most of the time.  We think Jadon is just a little obsessive compulsive, if we ever leave our shoes out, even if we just take them off and don't put them away, Jadon will pick them up and give/throw them to whomever they belong to.  Seriously.  But with his desire to keep things clean and in order he'll actually put away his toys/ pots / pans / utensils when I ask him!  He is excellent at following directions.  But the poor child becomes deaf when he doesn't want to obey.
Do you ever make up games with your kids and regret it later?  In this game we push Jadon around in a chair usually late at night!

This kid cracks me up!

So we came home from the grocery store a couple weeks ago and Jadon helped me by bringing the napkins in.  I was putting things away in the fridge and like normal Jadon was reorganizing the fridge for me.  Well he grabbed an onion and decided to have a rest on the napkins!  I would never think a pack of napkins could hold up a 25 pound kid!

Jadon loves Kendra!

Is this not a million times too adorable!!
Jadon LOVES his cousin Kendra!!  He had such a great time with her when she, Susan, and Andrew came down.  Jadon usually never leaves whatever room we are in, but when Kendra was visiting him and Kendra would go in her room and jump on the air mattress!  TOO CUTE!!

Jadon's new look

One Saturday morning, Daddy decided Jadon needed some "hair product."  What was so funny is David started out the "project" telling me "trust me, I can do this!"  And the session ended with "Well I really don't know what I am doing!"  Yes :)