Saturday, November 1, 2008

Jadon and the Petting Zoo!

Aren't piglets so cute!!!Cheesy Jadon Does this animal freak anyone else out?
We took Jadon to a corn maze, petting zoo, & pumpkin patch etc. He had a great time! He loves all the animals. He cried when we told him he could not kiss the animals!

Chef Jadon

Jadon is so much fun! He is getting to be such a good helper. Jadon recently helped me make cookies for his papa (my dad). My dad he diabetes so we make him "special" Splenda cookies. Jadon really enjoyed helping. Mostly he liked eating the chocolate chips, the mixer, and eating the chocolate chips! He is the sweetest boy!!! The recipe I use for my dad's cookies I realized doesn't have eggs, so you can let the kids eat the dough. There are not "Splenda cookies" we just replace most of the sugar with Splenda. So if you want to make cookies with you little ones and don't want to worry about giving them salmonella poisoning, try these!

These are really great if you have a problem with cookies getting to thin when you cook them. These stay very thick.