Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Things that I love:

Since I had my mom's fancy-smancy camera, I got to take some really cool pictures. I LOVE close up pictures of faces. I love when the picture is crisp and the backgroud is fuzzy.Look at those sad eyes! Ben gets this thunder cloud on his brow before the rain falls.
He's part way in the front pack if you are wondering what the blue thing is.
I have about a million more of these type photos, but that would take way to long to down load.
These were supposed to be thier own post, but alas, it didn't work the first time I tried and... it is late. Very sweet though.
If he wants a taste of what you are making he says "Tasty!"
He commonly exclaims "We made it!" and "I did it!"
He says "I like it" tonight he learned to say "I don't like it"  and as he fell asleep tonight he said half asleep "the movie, I don't like it"
Yesterday we were going out to play in the backyard and Jadon said "I get toy"  I said ok you can get a toy to bring in the backyard.  He came back with an arm full of Ben's toys to bring to Ben.

C'mon everywhere where we go there must be a...

Pillow fight, what else?

The do:

This is Ben Ben first thing in the morning, after a shower the night before. Stinkin adorable.

San Diego Zoo

I forgot our camera so my mom let me barrow one of hers... I love.
Ben Ben loves people and loves to laugh. In the elevator people would talk to him and he would smile, squeal, look away, and look back!What?
LaughingI love that Ben is actually trying to eat David. Seriously. How could you not love that face? Mimi got to spend time with Ben!
We had great time on our San Diego vacation. The boys did really great the whole time, even the airplane was just fine. They really are very good little boys. Andrew, Susan, Kendra, and Mimi came down to the Zoo as well. We had a great time and it was wonderful to see them. Jadon loved playing with Kendra and really loves his aunt Susan. One day we'll explain she is already married to uncle Andrew.