Monday, January 19, 2009

Benjamin Andrew!!!!

I included this one because you can see these adorable dimples he has on both sides of his upper cheecks. He has them when he smiles or cries. I haven't caught a smile one yet!
Can you believe it?? Benjamin Andrew has arrived! I woke up to a slight pain in my stomach at about 3:30 am on Friday morning, woke up David at 3:40am, called my mom at 4:00am to come over to watch Jadon, got to the hospital at 5:00am, Ben was born at 5:45am. Is that not crazy? One nurse commented, it was a good thing you made it... yes, I agree! It worked out great because we only had to spend one night in the hospital and came home at about noon on Saturday!
Ben has been wonderful! He is incredibly cute and incredibly sweet! We all feel great! We feel like he has been with us for weeks, not days! He is already on a great schedule... praise the Lord!! He doesn't really have his days and nights mixed up too much. So I pretty much have the same schedule as before except I go to bed a little earlier, get up a little later, and get up a few time in between. It is a night and day difference between Jadon's newborn days and Ben's'! It really is wonderful!
Jadon is adapting perfectly. He has just enough love and interest in Ben to want to hug and kiss him a few times a day, asks for him, wakes up calling for him, walks by gently rubs his head etc. But enough interest in his own stuff and doing his own thing that he doesn't have to be reminded to be gentle or babies can't drink juice boxes etc too much. I've only had to save Ben from a juice box, string cheese, and a stuffed animal. He hasn't been jealous when we hold Ben, I've only had him want to hold Ben instead of us hold Ben. He's been wonderful!