Friday, July 25, 2008

Santa Barbara - Zoo

What are they looking at? He is waving at something. In water?Very happy about this water something! A penguin!! And he really liked Jadon and our shadows. We must be like really kind people. The Doctor Doolittle type. Animals just flock to us. OK, I think he thought we were food. But, good food, nonetheless!

Santa Barbara - Beach

Our sun kissed beauty! After our trip to Southern California we took a detour on the way home and went to Santa Barbara for a few days. After SO much work we did to our house, the work that was still staring us in the face, the not feeling good and soooo tiredness... we decided we needed a vacation. A vacation from our renovation! I needed to escape the undoneness for a while. So we spent a few more days away in Santa Barbara. The weather was BEAUTIFUL! I'm pretty sure Santa Barbara is one of the top places to live in Ca, I know why! We had a great time, having fun and relaxing! And, came home with new enthusiasm to finish the work! Success!