Friday, July 25, 2008

Santa Barbara - Zoo

What are they looking at? He is waving at something. In water?Very happy about this water something! A penguin!! And he really liked Jadon and our shadows. We must be like really kind people. The Doctor Doolittle type. Animals just flock to us. OK, I think he thought we were food. But, good food, nonetheless!


Anonymous said...

you are so cute

The Ramseys said...

Adorable Pictures. Jadon is getting so big. He is just precious!

tialatha said...

I love the pictures of your beautiful family.. I am looking forward to seeingsome pictures of your remodeling work too,keep the pictures coming...
Love you all,
Guy and Tialatha

April said...

Hey Guys! So good to hear from you! Jadon is absolutely adorable!! Lets get together sometime!!

Anonymous said...

Can Jadon get any cuter???
I just love that little guy and miss all of you so very much!
Labor Day weekend won't come soon enough!!!