Wednesday, May 28, 2008

You know your a hillbilly when...

I asked David if we looked like hillbillies when we were sitting on our front lawn in lawn chairs watching Jadon in the Sprinkler.  He said no.  Then later Jadon had been out in the sun a long time, and had sunscreen on, but I still didn't want him in the sun that long.  I asked David to go get the umbrella so Jadon could still play, but out of the sun.  So now we are sitting in the front yard, in lawn chairs, with a sprinkler, and umbrella.  David told me, we were now hillbillies. 
What is going on?  Well we get the keys to our new house on Thursday or Friday.  Then we have full plans to paint the entire house, tear out a full house of carpet and lay about 1500 square feet of laminate flooring, baseboards, & door trim.  (We will post pictures.)  Have we ever done this before?  No, why would that stop us! One thing about us is we never lack ambition :) 
One more thing... we found out that Jadon will be a big brother come January!  We are very excited and thankful!!

Any water he can find

Jadon is in any water he can find.  He doesn't even mind getting his face completely wet.

Jadon loves strawberries


Jadon helping Mommy sweep the floor

What's wrong with this picture?

Sprinkler Time

Daddy, Jadon, and Mommy all went to the park this morning where they had this kind of fun water section.  (It only worked like 4 times though, water conservation?)  Anyways Jadon was having to much fun in the water we came home and put on his sprinkler.  

Doin' Business

This was a leadership meeting at our house.  Before the meeting started Jadon grabbed the paperwork and a pen and began to "write" on all the paperwork.  He knew exactly how to use it!  Then he proceeded to entertain and whoo everyone, until finally I had to take him away, no one was ever going to get any work done!  Jadon has turned into quite the ham.  Even in the store Jadon must capture the hearts and attention of complete strangers.  Waving hi, playing peek a book, blowing kisses.  We have no idea where he gets this!

Attempting to water the flowers

Well Jadon and I were ATTEMPTING to water the flowers.  I didn't really want him to get all wet because it was not a warm day.  After about 20 seconds we realized that was going to be an impossible task!

Splish Splash

These are pictures we took in the backyard.  These are before Jadon got his baby pool.  Jadon LOVES water.  Look at that belly in the last picture!

Jadon and his first chocolate chip cookies

Jadon loves pretty much every and all food (all the time), but definitely has a particular fondness for sweets!  I was making cookies for a friend and decided that I should let Jadon try one.  He LOVED them!  Who doesn't?