Wednesday, May 28, 2008

You know your a hillbilly when...

I asked David if we looked like hillbillies when we were sitting on our front lawn in lawn chairs watching Jadon in the Sprinkler.  He said no.  Then later Jadon had been out in the sun a long time, and had sunscreen on, but I still didn't want him in the sun that long.  I asked David to go get the umbrella so Jadon could still play, but out of the sun.  So now we are sitting in the front yard, in lawn chairs, with a sprinkler, and umbrella.  David told me, we were now hillbillies. 
What is going on?  Well we get the keys to our new house on Thursday or Friday.  Then we have full plans to paint the entire house, tear out a full house of carpet and lay about 1500 square feet of laminate flooring, baseboards, & door trim.  (We will post pictures.)  Have we ever done this before?  No, why would that stop us! One thing about us is we never lack ambition :) 
One more thing... we found out that Jadon will be a big brother come January!  We are very excited and thankful!!


Anonymous said...

WOOHOOO congratulations cousins! on the house AND the new arrival!
Love ya!
Stacey in WA

Anonymous said...

Now THAT's and updated Blog! God tells us that every good gift is from above and we are so very very excited for all the wonderful blessings the Lord continues to shower you with! Jadon is growing like wild weeds and his personality just blossoming! And now to know he will be a big brother! Our hearts are overwhelmed with rejoicing!
I pray your work on the house goes expediently and that errors are few. Wish we could be there to help.
We love you all so very much.
Mamma-Gramma and Grampa-Mike

Rebecca said...

Oh, wow, CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's all very exciting! We're so happy for a new little Burdick baby. :)

And good luck with the house--that's a lot lot lot of work! We put laminate in the kitchen/dining area last summer and once we figured out what we were doing, it wasn't too hard. I hope you have all perfectly square :) We bought ours at IKEA but we had a hard time finding any stair nose (a special trim) to match it. So my advice is to make sure you buy EVERYTHING at once--all the trims and such, so you are sure you have what you need to finish, KWIM? I know IKEA is pretty cheap, so is Costco or Sams Club if you can get some there. Baseboards and door trim--tricky.

I thought your house looked so nice in the other pictures--can't wait to see what it will look like now! And when you're done, you're welcome to come do our house since you'll be on such a roll! ;) j/k

J, D, and A said...

A new addition to the family huh! How exciting! Jadon will be a great big brother. Congratulations to the 3 of you:) We miss you guys!

tialatha said...

Congratulations on the house and new baby.. WE are getting another grandbaby in November.. it is Jamie's 2nd.
We are so excited!
Tearing out the carpet is such a good idea. I do not like carpet especially in the living area and plan to tear out carpet this week when I am off for the week.. It has some not so pretty vinyl under it but I am okay with it for now.
Jadon is such a cutie.
Take care and I love the blogs..

The Ramseys said...

Oh Im so happy for you guys. Jadon will have a best friend. Thats the great thing about having your kids close together. They always have someone to play with. Congrats! God Bless You All
Love The Ramseys

The Palmers said...

I cannot believe how much Jadon looks like David!! I am so excited for you guys with the new house and a new baby. Congratulations!