Thursday, April 12, 2007

Afternoon Naptime

Is there anything more precious in all of the world?

Little Jadon Burrito

"Looks like an angel when he's sleeping, but he looks like Charles Bronson when He cries" - Sara Groves (from the Album: Station Wagon)

Asleep in Mamma's Arms @ Home

48 hours after we arrived at the hospital, we were discharged and sent home with this incredible gift of God's grace. We had a very uneventful car ride home, and arrived to show Jadon his new home. Soon after we arrived, mamma got some much needed rest, while Jadon and daddy hit the road to run some errands and do man stuff like... shopping at Babies R Us. But we're all home safe now and enjoying our new family. Praise the Lord!

Friends and Visitors

Genesis (bottom), Katie (Middle), & Sarah (top) were among the many friends and visitors who came to hang out with us at the hospital. Among these were: Matt Kehler, Brea Pritchett, Pastor Garth, Marilynn Fernandes, Pastor Damian, Grandma Laurie, and Christopher Yerziklewski. These were welcomed faces to our seemingly long, but comfortable stay at the hospital.

Grandpa Bill

has a western ring to it, now don't it??? Here's a proud grandpa, glad to see his daughter and brand new grandson in great shape.

My Little Booger

: Cody's affectionate nickname for Jadon. Here's Code and Deb complete with inflatable bear in background.

Mommy and Jadon

Here's mom and baby after a hard day of work getting some long awaited time together now face to face

Jadon and Daddy

A little R&R in daddy's arm sporting a very stylish man-beanie

Complete with Daddy's Dimple & Side Burns

Check me out. I'm hours old and already growing the side burns...

Here He Is

Hello there little guy (here he is all bundled up in mamma's arms ~ what a sweet little angel)

Snuggle Wuggly

Here's Kate all snuggle wuggled under freshly heated blankets

Just Arrived : )

Here's Kate and I on the bed of the delivery room where we'd be spending the next 12 hours getting ready for the arrival of our brand new baby boy.