Friday, April 10, 2009

Dressing like daddy

Jadon loves to dress like daddy and run fast!

Jadon and Ben helping outside

Pushing the wheelbarow
Spading the dirt Making threatning jestures... just kidding. Thirsty?
And who could ever get any work done without this chuncky smile to keep you going?
C'mon, you can't do funny streches like this and not think people will take pictures! Your shoes are glowing honey, that's cool.

The Park

Jadon enjoying the park
Ben enjoying the park.

Cute Ben Ben

Why is it you have to use more than one syllable when talking to a baby? I just can't call him Ben, I have to get some more syllables in there... the result, Ben Ben. You know, it can't just be a blanket it has to be a blankey etc. Maybe this would make a good thesis for someone... hmmm

Streching with Daddy

You know, after boys run fast they have to do their streching!

Jadon "helping" Ben

Trying to help him with his paci.
Trying to give him a book. Ahh... that's better.

He really does love him!!!