Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Some pictures of our new house

I saw these on our memory card, here are a few pictures of our new house.  Later I will do a better job and post before/ during / and after photos.  This is the living room and dinning room.

Chili Cook-off

David is the most wonderful daddy in a million ways, but here is one of them:  Hiking up this enormous wobbly slide, carrying Jadon, to slide down with him.  Jadon was just awestruck, he had never seen, much less, played on anything like this!
We went to the Chili Cook-off again this year.  A fun event our church does every year.  Jadon was actually old enough to do some of the fun stuff this year!!!  Only downfall, it was Extremely Extremely HOT this day.  September 30th and over 95 degrees... yuck.

Jadon eating his popsicle

Jadon and his new pet!

We have recently got Jadon a pet... a fish.   He Loves Him!!  He feeds him twice a day and is always happy to kiss him and hug him.  He has even touched him a couple times during feedings.  I my opinion Beta fish are very sociable.   David and I had one before Jadon was born that came to the top for food when we would whistle.   And, when you sit at the table he comes and watches you.  So, either they are social fish or very aggressive (which they are, and is why they must be alone) and he is watching us waiting for a time to strike...  Another good thing about Betas is they love to be in small spaces.  So, you don't have to feel bad they are all alone in a small space, that is what they like... so you won't always have Finding Nemo in your head... all drains lead to the sea...