Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Sorry it has been so long since I posted an update! I haven't been taking much pictures for some reason! Well for those who don't know our new baby, Benjamin Andrew (after David's brother, the Andrew part), due date is January 30th. But as some may remember Jadon was born 2 1/2 weeks before his due date, and it looks like Ben will be early as well! We went to the Doctor yesterday and he said it could be any day and he didn't think we would make it to our next appt. Monday! Wow! It is a strange feeling knowing that it could be any day! We will keep you updated!! I'll try to post of picture of Ben's room before he's born!

My Friend Flicka

Meet Flicka
I know... the child may be spoiled. How many children shy of 2 years old get a pony for Christmas? My dad lives in the country, it's different, it's not as bad as it sounds. I hope... This is Flicka, Jadon's pony. Jadon LOVES her. He loves to ride her. Feed her. Brush her. Lead her around. Imitate her! She is a very cute, sweet pony. My dad said she is a actually a cross between pony and miniature horse. She is really small! We have finally got him to stop saying his new brother's name is Flicka!


Sweetest cutest thing in the whole world!

Here are some pictures from Christmas! Jadon had lots of fun. He had about a million presents to open, seriously. I am still trying to find "homes" for them all. David said he could put them all on ropes and at the end of the day the ropes would retract and all the toys would be put back in order, I'm down. His favorite things to do (as pictured above) was to throw the wrapping paper, basketball style, into the trash bag. The gift he is opening during these pictures is a basketball hoop. Appropriate gift? He always loved the gift he opened so much, he didn't want to open anymore, but play with the one he had just opened! Ahh contentment!