Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This week at the Burd house

I still can't believe he got blue eyes, beautiful.With a winning smile!FYI: Boys LOVE sticks... or is it only mine? Playing in front of the chicken coop.
Hi Ben!
Oh, what a sweet, grown up boy.
We spent last Saturday at my Grandma's house. We went to the park, a shady park... very hot day. Swam in the pool and had a lot of fun!
Jadon has really started to re-enact stories. For example last night we went to some friend's house. There was a lot of people there and later in the evening I went upstairs to take care of Ben. During this time Jadon is sitting on David's lap while the adults played catch phrase. When all of a sudden he notices I am gone, asks for me, David tells him I will be right back, and Jadon starts crying hysterically. So... all day he tells me how the game was "so funny" "people laugh" "give high fives" "mommy be right back" "I cry". Very funny. Very true.
Jadon thinks toe nail polish is Beautiful.
Jadon wants to pick every dandelion, every created, I only let him pick ours. Other people's weeds are still their weeds, right.? And pick up the newspaper.
Jadon is still girl crazy and not shy... at all.
Jadon calls my grandma, two grandma, because their are 2 grandmas, my mom and grandma.
I took Jadon to the movies for the first time. The new Ice Age movie. He did really good, but the movie was 1 hour and 45 min. too long. He seriously drank over two water bottles, therefore couldn't sit in my lap but stood, the last part of the movie I brought diapers, no shorts... gross.
OK, boys are sleeping: on to fold laundry, clean fridge, and unload dishes.