Wednesday, July 1, 2009

There's never an easy way

Ben Ben is learning to eat food, well cereal, I suppose it qualifies as food... yuck. For a while there I was certain more was coming out than I put in. It is getting better.
He never had a bottle mind you, but now... what could be more fun?
Update delivered Wednesday as scheduled, be sure to share the love.
Fun Jadonisms this week:
Jadon takes Ben's face so gently between his two hands and kisses him.
Ben was laying on our bed, while I was getting ready to take us all the the park. He started fussing, Jadon came up to him and said "I know, I know Ben" and then he went to the guitar and sang "The Ben Song".
Jadon says "I hold you me" I think he gets this from us saying "You want me to hold you?"
Jadon asks to "check" on Ben. Right...

Jadon rocks...

out to David Crowder that is. Only our son would be in love with the David Crowder Band and always ask to watch their videos on the computer constantly. And when we do let him watch them he runs to get the dust mop... to play gutair on... of course. I have video, I will see if David can show me how to put it on here. He like Neverending, the la las' get him everytime.

A day in the life...

Happy Ben! He likes measuring cups.

A's Game

Jadon learning the wave.
Field of Dreams Status... No?
Ben Ben snuggled up during the game.
So last Friday we went with my mom and saw the A's play. Those who remember how Jadon completely freaked out and the whale and dolphin show at Marine World... ditto at the baseball game. Not the screaming, crying type thing, but shaking, repeating mama mama asking to go home type thing. Maybe because we don't do the TV thing, he is not used to stimulation overload... like the rest of us...? But about half way though the game he relaxed and enjoyed himself. He liked the cheering and seeing the ball etc.
