Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Southern California

Jadon enjoying pizza on his Grandma's lap! I do believe he ate over 1 piece at this sitting!

Jadon with his only cousin, Kendra. Don't they look alike? They certainly are the cutest kids I've ever seen! Kendra about to kiss Jadon.Jadon about to kiss Kendra. SO happy to see Daddy! Kisses for the daddy! Looking at his Uncle Kyle.

Congratulations Andrew!!!

After much much much much much etc. blog frustration and many many many many many etc. attempts. This blog post is finished. I have been having mucho problems with blogger. My blogging section usually ends something like this... ahhhhhhhh.

But that aside, he are some pictures from our trip to Southern California we took in June. We got to go to David's brother Andrew's graduation party and graduation. YEAH Andrew! Andrew graduated with his BA degree in Mass Communications and this fall will be at work on his Masters. What a lot of hard work!

And of course we took pictures of the cutest children alive. I don't even believe I am being biased ;) Jadon had a great time visiting with his grandparents, uncles, etc. It is always a blessing to see our family!