Monday, November 19, 2007

Jadon at the Park

Hey, what are you guys doing back there! I have to keep my eye on you! Jadon enjoyed the park, sorta. He really enjoyed watching the big kids play at the park. And, we were able to get him to swing for a little while. Daddy took him down the big slide and Jadon didn't think it was all that great. Daddy is really looking forward to when Jadon is able to play just a little bit... more!

Cousin Fun!

They both wanted to be in David's lap! Well at least Kendra could express that she wanted to. It was so cute off and on through out our time together, Kendra would come up to David and lift her arms, for him to pick her up and hold her! We are kind of little, so we like to hold eachothers feet, it's fun. Cute Kendra I know if I push hard enough, this will all fit.
We had a great time visiting with Andrew, Susan, and Kendra. And, are so glad they were able to come visit.

Jadon's favorite pastime

Of all the toys, of all the books, of all the things this child can do, his favorite thing is a cup with water. We will never have to worry about Jadon getting dehydrated! We have to limit his drinking or he will seriously drink too much. And now he has gotten where he can hold his own cup up.