Monday, March 24, 2008


Hello!  Sorry I have been so lame!  We have been so busy!  Here a brief update of what we have been doing!  These are pictures of us with our foreign exchange student from France!  Her name is Manon (pronounced Ma known, kind of).  We had a great time with her!  She stayed with us about 2 weeks.  She had a great time in America.  She tried to teach us some French, mostly unsuccessfully and we tried to communicate in English!  And, she brought us lots of cool things from France (like the picture above), this is very French she told us.  It is foie gras I will let you look up what it is!  It actually reminded me a lot of cream cheese.  She also brought us escargot.  We didn't have time to have the escargot but hopefully she will come back in August and cook it for us!!  Right Manon!