Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hee Haw

Jadon had the TIME of his LIFE, at this years' Harvest Party our church puts on.  It was so cool, they had a whole section for toddlers.   So fun!  They had a miniature bounce house with balls, a jumping thing, little tent things to crawl into, and a miniature jumping bounce house thing.  Jadon played continually without tiring!!  And they had a ton of stuff for bigger kids.  These pictures should be in the opposite order, but right now, nearly impossible to change...  The Harvest Party theme was Western, so Jadon dressed like a cowboy, of course the sinka-roo would not let me get a good picture in his hat!

Daddy and Jadon's cool fort

Cookie Cutters

This is our attempt to make cookie cutter cookies with Jadon.  He thought the flour was cool and smashing the dough was fun!  The only problem we ran into was, I didn't check if we had any red food coloring to dye the frosting.  I have all the other primary colors, but no red.  So I added yellow and we read online for any red dye substitutes, we read pomegranate juice would work... and we had some.  Take my word, it does not work!  It just makes it a watery brownish color!  We were going to give the cookies away, but after the frosting incident...  later I thought, I just should have added cocoa and had "chocolate pumpkins".