Saturday, December 15, 2007

Family Photos

Photo 1:

Cool back ground. All smiling, no funny faces. David's head is a little too down. Jadon looking away, but smiling.

Photo 2:

Similar to above. I have a funny laugh smile, because I am trying to get Jadon to smile for the picture.Photo 3:

Would have been perfect, but I have a very silly expression. Once again trying to get Jadon to smile. Bummer.

Photo 4:

Good one of us, Jadon not smiling.

Photo 5:


Yesterday we went to downtown Modesto to try to take some family pictures. My mom who has an awesome camera, came to take pictures of us. But, now we are having a hard time deciding on the "best picture". So we want to take an audience vote. Which picture do you think turned out best?