Friday, March 13, 2009

It's been a while!

Sorry I haven't posted recently!  It has been a combination of time and sickness.  Jadon, the poor baby, got sick for the first time, besides colds.  He got the flu.  Fever for 3 days... really feeling terrible.  Ben and I spent a couple days at my dad's since Ben was only 5 weeks old... very dangerous for a infant to get the flu.  Amazingly, graciously Jadon was the only one who got sick... is that not miraculous or what?  And Jadon was the only one with a flu shot.  Thankfully that is over and he is back to his old self!  
And then time... 2 little ones take up... Time!!  They are both wonderful and sweet!  Ben is nearly sleeping through the night about 7 hour stretch, repeat with me Hallelujah!  He has actually always been a good sleeper, but he is even better now.  He will be 2 months old Monday. I am just trying to work on him being ready for bed at 9pm instead of 10pm or + sometimes.  Any ideas??  
Jadon is saying more and more and the words he does say are getting clearer and clearer.  And he is just a great little buddy.  He will be 2 next month.  Sometimes we feel like he is 2, but he is not too contrary and pretty reasonable... maybe you shouldn't say things like that!  
One last note,  I am so glad Spring is coming!!  I thought I loved Fall the best, now I think I love Spring... being outside, not too cold, not sick season!  We are doing our backyard right now.  Putting in a garden, landscaping etc.  I'll try to take some pictures!  I am loving gardening.  It's nice something we can all do together, well Ben either sleeps or watches... moral support!

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