Friday, August 15, 2008

Fun French Facts ~ Les Faits français amusants

While we have had our French student in February and now again in August. I have noticed certain interesting things about our friends the French. So, in honor of our friend Manon and the entire nation of France, I will share some of things I have learned. Maybe this could be considered a "cultural lesson"!
10. French teenagers are very similar to American teenagers, they would prefer to stay up until 3:00am and sleep in until noon. And also prefer to constantly interacting with some form of electronic device.
9. Beware of French teenagers in large groups. French teens highly enjoy music (and know all the words, maybe not the meaning!) such as Elvis and Greese. And in large groups or just more than one, if a Greese song comes on, the French will all break in to singing voices... WITH dance moves!! WOW.
8. In France you cannot buy white eggs, only brown.
7. Many French DO NOT like Mexican food. They are very sensitive to the spiciness. Manon was telling us how spicy her PEPPERONI on her PIZZA was...
6. As far as we can tell in France they do not have corn dogs, green tea, or pop tarts. All that have become quick favorites with our student!!
5. The French have a equally low tolerance as Americans for watching movies over and over and over and over again. Jadon is currently hooked on Veggie Tales, the Ballad of Little Joe. And, has watched it 3 or 4 times since she has been her... ok more like about 7,448 times. She can quote the entire movie. I was teasing her it was her favorite movie, and she started talking to me really fast and loud in French... I think she didn't know how to express her joy in English.
4. In France Peanut Butter is not good, people do not really like it. But they do like American Peanut Butter, personally I think it is all the hydrogenated oil.
3. The French are very serious about Rugby. So never tell a French person that you think people who play Rugby are crazy... even when they are chanting "war songs" and beating their chests like gorillas. They might not be happy about that...
2. If you ever want to eat French food, NEVER ask what you are eating. That is what animal and organ. And I repeat NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER look up the food on Wikapedia. You may find yourself closing your eyes and gagging at the computer... not joking.
1. BEWARE of what the French do eat... and time for the shocking, maybe even disturbing news. Many of us know the french eat snails. And Manon generously brought some to share... the shocking part is Jadon was the first person in our family to ever eat a snail... AND HE LOVED THEM!! We are seeking help for the poor child. David (I was surpised) actually gagged on the first and only one he tried to eat. I ate 3, I was surprised they were not chewy or slimy. One of mine were gritty. It really just tasted like butter and garlic... but still

Jadon eating and enjoying his first snail...

They really are a black/ green color.

She brought these (fake) snail shells from France too, this is what you cook and serve the snails in. She thought it was funny I put them in the dishwasher.

Jadon eating his first corn dog. (I only let him have some of the corn part.)

Manon enjoying her first corn dog.

I am not sure if they are good for eachother!

He is just eating pasta here, I had to include it because he is so stinken' cute!!!

One more thing...

Manon wants to bring something home VERY American... any ideas? We suggested an In and Out shirt and a starbucks mug?????????

1 comment:

burdickfam said...

Maybe something that has to do with baseball. That is the American pass time!!!