Wednesday, July 1, 2009

There's never an easy way

Ben Ben is learning to eat food, well cereal, I suppose it qualifies as food... yuck. For a while there I was certain more was coming out than I put in. It is getting better.
He never had a bottle mind you, but now... what could be more fun?
Update delivered Wednesday as scheduled, be sure to share the love.
Fun Jadonisms this week:
Jadon takes Ben's face so gently between his two hands and kisses him.
Ben was laying on our bed, while I was getting ready to take us all the the park. He started fussing, Jadon came up to him and said "I know, I know Ben" and then he went to the guitar and sang "The Ben Song".
Jadon says "I hold you me" I think he gets this from us saying "You want me to hold you?"
Jadon asks to "check" on Ben. Right...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. It's been WAY tooooo LONG since I've been at the computer! Look at those beautiful guys! I miss you all so very much! Thanks for updating this so regularly. I know I haven't even looked at mine in a while. I'll try to do something with it today if possible.
Give each other a huge Mimi Hug!
I love you all!