Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July

This nice lady gave Jadon a this hat and Ben a flag when we walked up. Jadon actually kept it on for like 5 minutes. I really think he forgot something was on his head.
I must remember to take off my glasses for pictures. Look at that sweetest, cutest little engine!
We ended up taking a drive up to Columbia on the fourth of July to see their parade. It was cool. They had a lot of people dressed up in "pioneer" apparel. Seemed appropriate for America's birthday. The boys had a lot of fun. The had "ol' time games" watermelon/pie eating contests, greased pole races. Because of budget cuts none of the nearby cities had fireworks :( I really wanted to take Jadon to see some. The city of Modesto shot laser lights on a screen accompanied by music... wow. We didn't go. I'm all for making due but... wow. We were so tired after the long day in Columbia, we really didn't want to drive far again. David had to get up super early and Ben was plain exhausted after crying the entire way home from Columbia (I seriously don't know how we could have got 2 kids who abhor the car seat, Jadon is fine now, I assure Ben he will be fine one day too!) I was almost going to just go to bed too, but then I decided to at least take Jadon in the front yard and see if our neighbors did anything or if we could see anything in the skies. It was GREAT! Just Jadon and me sitting in a lawn chair watching about 5 of our neighbors light fireworks along with various, probably illegal, big fireworks. Jadon thought is was Fantastic. I thought the noise would scare him just he loved them. He told me the light was jumping and wanted to touch them, so I let him... just kidding. So Jadon drank milk, sat on my lap with a blanket and we just watched all the fireworks for an hour. He is a great little buddy, so much fun!!
Cute Jadonisms:
He is seriously, almost, over polite, always saying please, thank you etc. even at times you wouldn't even think of courtesy!
Jadon say "hey baby", "hey honey", "bye honey". He will even lower his voice and say "hey baby." Even to strangers... We had one of our teenagers and her parents over for dinner and he went up to her and said "hey baby."
Everything is "all gone" if he doesn't know where something or something is it must be all gone.
We were making some things for our new coming niece and I was explaining to him his cousin was going to have a baby like we have a baby and he kept interrupting me saying something. I heard the work tummy so I thought he was trying to tell me something on a different topic. But then I heard him, he was saying "Susan's tummy." He remembered from months ago where his new baby cousin is, I thought he would have completely forgot. I was telling him old news.
Jadon had found the word "need." Now in a very desperate voice he will tell you he "NEED milk" "NEED sheep", you would be surprised how desperately you can need sheep,"NEED movie" "NEED food".
Jadon has shown, I think, an amazing demonstration in persistence recently. I will give him a task to do: breaking the ends off peas etc, go do something with Ben and come back and he is still hard at work with the job I gave him.
Well we leave for San Diego for vacation tomorrow, so next week I will have lots of pictures and stories!!
MUCH LOVE Blog readers!!


manooon said...

so cute !!!!

J, D, and A said...

Thank you for the update and have fun in San Diego!!!! Can't wait to see pictures.