Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You just gotta love that face!

Benjamin and I have decided to try to update the blog every Wednesday.   That is now in print so now you may hold me accountable ;)  Benjamin said it is fine with him as kong as I keep it short and don't say anything embarrassing about him (don't worry, he can't read too well yet!)
Cute Jadonisms:
He is in a phase that when he leaves somewhere he must say goodbye to everything, you know cups, spoons, grass etc.  Well leaving the grocery store this week he said "Bye lights, bye water, bye pen that writes on my hand."  While I had been paying for the food he had been writing on his hand with the pen on the cord you use when you write checks.  Very funny.
He says No Please.  (Does that mean yes or no?)
Jadon loves to cook.  He runs to his stool saying "I helper, I helper."  Today we made a berry cobbler, I had to think of something for him to cook and we had a bag of frozen berries.  He says "2 cups, 2 cups" he would like 2 cups of flour.
His new phrase is "I workin, I workin." usually quoted while doing something that isn't a good idea to do, but should be allowed to because "he's workin"

1 comment:

tialatha said...

Love the pictures of your cute...