Saturday, June 20, 2009

So, the cat's out of the bag...

So, for this post you can refer to my previous post "That's all I have to say about that."  In an attempt to 1. shock the blog world  2. see if anyone was actually reading my blog and 3. see if I could get any comments, I posted the strange, yet strangely not as strange as one might think picture of David.  Inferring that David had indeed hit some sort of pre-mid life crisis, shaved off  his goatee only leaving a mustache and  plans were underway to start a harly davidson sky jumping group.   My original plan was to post this picture sooner revealing that David had not in fact jumped off the deep end (or airplane for that matter), but rather we hosted a formal for our student featuring a 1920s theme and David had sacrificially  shaved the beloved facial hair for the Mystery Dinner Play that the leaders preformed that night for the kids.  
Please note, I did receive 3 comments after the alleged picture.  And don't worry David would never wear leather.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow! I haven't checked out the blog in a while! Great Updates! Looks like the vacation was a blast and you guys had a wonderful time! Well Deserved Break!
Sorry I couldn't be there this week, but Mike and I are set to be off together July 20-26! We're looking into camping at some place called Rainbow something... (Ask David), and then heading to Modesto the afternoon of the 24th.
Hope that works out on your end.
Love you all and MISS YOU CRAZY!
Mamma Mimi