Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Marine World

We took Jadon to Marine World for his birthday. We all had a great time! Jadon loved it, except the whale and dolphin shows completly freaked him out, now to mention it, so does the car wash... hmmm. But other than that it was great! He rode the elephant, saw all his favorite animals. Rode every little kid ride in the park.
Side note: it took us an hour and a half to get out of the parking lot. They had one exit and we left before the gates closed. Is that a little extreme to anyone else?
Is that not a sweet picture? If you can't beat 'em, join 'em We seriously had the best time riding the rides with Jadon. He was having the Time of His Life. He even loved the roller coaster. We just look forward to next year when Ben will be bigger and we won't have to share the little riding partner!

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