Friday, March 13, 2009

Daddy and his boys!

And what a great daddy they have! And what good men they will become with their daddy's godly influence! When I look at these pictures I see hundreds and hundreds of soccer games, hockey games, baseball games, pillow fights, wrestling matches... (My only rule is I can't be underneath the pillow fight/ wrestling match... how does that always happen?) I have decided since I have boys that I am really going to learn to like what they like. Truth be told naturally I lean more towards sewing, scrapbooking, do anything involving crafting, planting flowers, shopping... I am really going to get into whatever the boys get into. For instance if they are really into soccer, I am going to learn all about soccer (I actually have no idea about most anything in soccer... I know you're supposed to kick it in the goal...) You know, whose in the World Cup (one more soccer fact I know!) who are the good teams, positions etc. I don't want to just support them in what they like, I want to really like it and be excited about it too. So, I am excited to see what new horizons await!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow!!!jadon change!!he is a very cute little man!lol you miss you too!!!!
love manooon