Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Our first family photo


tialatha said...

What a beautiful family picture and the ones of Jadon are so cute...Hope you are all doing good .
Guy and Tialatha

J, D, and A said...

These are great... you guys all look so happy!!!! i am so happy for you guys!

Hyde Family said...

I know we haven't talked to you guys forever, but we do check your blog often. It is nice to see what a beautiful family you've become. Caitlyn still remembers when Kate came to stay with us and we painted like thousands of things for VBS. Keep posting pictures, we love to see them all the way here in Wisconsin. OUr blog page is All our love.

Sonny, Kari, Caitlyn & Camryn Hyde

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your family is absolutely beautiful! I hope you guys are all doing well. We think of you often.

Sonny Hyde