Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Sorry it has been so long since I posted an update! I haven't been taking much pictures for some reason! Well for those who don't know our new baby, Benjamin Andrew (after David's brother, the Andrew part), due date is January 30th. But as some may remember Jadon was born 2 1/2 weeks before his due date, and it looks like Ben will be early as well! We went to the Doctor yesterday and he said it could be any day and he didn't think we would make it to our next appt. Monday! Wow! It is a strange feeling knowing that it could be any day! We will keep you updated!! I'll try to post of picture of Ben's room before he's born!


Rebecca said...

Oh, wow, you're having a baby so soon!!! That's so exciting! I can't wait to see pics of the new little Burdick baby model. :) I'm praying for you that all goes well! The transition to 2 kids was tough for me, but you quickly get to where you don't even remember not having two. Good luck with everything and post pics soon! Love ya!!

tialatha said...

Thank-you for updating the pictures....Jadon is so cute . I am anxious to see your new little guy...

J, D, and A said...

It is so great to hear from you guys!!! I was hoping everything was ok since I hadn't read anything new for a while. Glad to hear you all are doing well and I can't wait for the new little guy to be born and to see pictures. Hope everything goes well.

Anonymous said...

Hello my dear lovies! Checking in to see if you've updated with pics of Benjamin! WAITING patiently I am! :o) Can't wait to see him and hear how Jadon's enjoying his new little brother! Love you all so very much! Mimi