Saturday, September 6, 2008

It's a BOY!!

Thanks for all your guesses, but we will be having a wonderful baby boy come January!


J, D, and A said...

Congratulations you guys!!! We are SO happy for you and the new little one. Jadon must be so excited!!

April said...

Congratulations!!! I'm such a firm believer that God provides us with what we need! As I'm on baby girl number 3 lol

tialatha said...

Congratulations on your wonderful news.. I am so excited for your family and even though I have never met Jadon, I know he will be a wonderful big brother.. and I know you are wonderful parents...What a wonderful God we have!!!
Send more pictures.. I love watching Jadon grow...

The Ramseys said...

Congrats! It will be so nice to have to boys close in age. They will grow up together and be best friends. We are so happy for you guys. Im telling you my girls would be bored if they didnt have each other. LOL

Anonymous said...

Ok Mommy & Daddy!
Where is the picture??? :o)
I am so excited to have our 3rd grandchild coming so soon and now to know he will be "James Andrew Burdick" is sweet to my heart.
I love you all and had such a wonderful time seeing you for even such a short visit. That grandson of mine is AMAZING! I have no doubt he will be a great big-brother just as David was to Andrew.
I still pray the Lord will move you here some day! Till then I will be grateful for the times He gives me.
Love you dearly,

Rebecca said...

Congratulations!!! I didn't post a guess, but I was thinking boy, since I had 2 boys first and they are so fun now as they play together. Every boy needs a brother, I think! :) That's so exciting!!!

Anonymous said...

hey there! Congradulations to you and David and Jadon! we live so close to one another we all should get together to catch up. miss and love you!