Sunday, January 6, 2008


Well an update on Christmas, we all had a wonderful Christmas's'. Yes plural, 4 actually, in a row. It was a lot of fun. The best part was watching Jadon open his gifts. He really likes ripping paper, playing with ribbon, boxes... gift are cool too! We didn't get any still shots of Jadon during Christmas but lots of video. Jadon is waving (the adorable open the whole hand and close it wave), giving kisses (when asked give "mommy / daddy kisses" he opens his mouth and puts his lips on your cheek, sometimes he needs reminding there are no teeth in kissing!), pulling up (he loves to stand and wants to pull up on everything, we are only not agreeing about this in the bath tub, don't you think that would be really cold?), walking while assisted (just started and doing well), cute as ever (no explanation needed), and not crawling (he would prefer to just roll to everything that is on his sides and if something is in front of him, whine at me until I give him what he wants or move him where he wants, but I know we will REALLY have our hands full when he is fully mobile)! These posts our late because our camera has been at Detour, where David has been the last week. Detour is our mission trip to the South Modesto area (super scary, never would even want to drive through area.) David, 7 leaders, and 63 students camped down at the Red Shield, in that area, for 5 days. Through out their stay 20 kids and teenagers were led to the Lord, well over $1000 dollars of groceries were given away, countless clothes were distributed, nearly a ton of trash was hauled away from a future ministry location, two vacation bible schools were ran, a winter festival was held for the kids and lots more! The trip was a huge success! And we are glad to have him home! Jadon was so happy to see David. He would hug his neck, look at him, hug his neck, look at him... when I would ask Jadon if he wanted to come to me he would hug his daddy's neck and look away (I got the point!) It made David's day. But don't worry at 7:00pm when he began to get tired it was mommy, mommy, only mommy!

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