Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Monkey Photo Shoot

No, of course I couldn't just let him be! I had to get some really good pictures of him. He's just to adorable not too and he was tired at night during the Harvest Party! So I made him get dressed up again and go outside and pose for me! He is a good sport, though! Even notice the little bananna coming out of his pocket! The Harvest Party theme was "Lost in Space", kind of a difficult theme to dress like. But, we figured hey they take monkeys to space right?!!


J, D, and A said...

OK so I just love the monkey costume. I just want to pick him up and give him a big HUG!!! He is getting so big and so cute. Sorry David, but I have to say that the costume looks cuter on Jadon but you're a close second:) Hope you guys are doing well. Are you guys planning on coming down for the holidays at all? If you are, I hope we can see you.

Anonymous said...

What a HAM!
I can't believe he actually kept his hood on!
I just cannot wait to get my hands on that precious little one!
3 months in-between-visits is absolutely unbearable!