Friday, November 2, 2007

Food... Finally!

Well this is a huge improvement. At our 6 month appointment Jadon's doctor gave the go ahead for starting solid foods, unfortunately at this time Jadon decided that he abhorred (no exaggeration!) food, all food. I tried oatmeal cereal, bananas, applesauce, peaches, peas, carrots, mashed potatoes. Every time I would offer him a bite of anything he would look at me as if I was trying to poison him, then refuse, turn his head, close him mouth and would not let anything near. And apparently I developed a similar problem as a baby and my grandma gave me cornstarch pudding and I started eating again. Well grandma made cornstarch pudding for Jadon and low and behold he gobbled it down! And now he LOVES food, all food. And, is willing to try anything!


Anonymous said...

What a ham! He is sooooo cute and I just love these pics. Yummy Yummy!

Rebecca said...

Wow, that's a great story! Hurray for cornstarch pudding (although I don't really know what that is, but I'm glad Jadon likes it!!) He's growing up so fast!