Sunday, October 14, 2007

Our Little Pumkin

It's our little pumkin's first experience getting to see a pumkin. It's so nice we're able to walk down the street to this brand new Raley's they've put in around the corner from our house. Last night we all went out on a walk to pick up a couple of pumpkins. And Jadon seems to love them.
(Stay tuned: pumkin carving photos coming to a blogspot near you)


J, D, and A said...

These are so cute. Looks like he likes the pumpkin. Good times.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness!
This is definitely going to be on my desktop TODAY!
Gramma and Grampa miss him and the family so very much.
Christmas may be just around the corner, but it sure seems like forever away :0(

Rebecca said...

Oh, that is so CUTE!! Love the hat and the pumpkin and the overalls. Just because you didn't ask for my advice--but take a lot of pictures at this stage where he can sit and not crawl away fast yet. It's the easiest time to get adorable pictures, which will seem nearly impossible in the months (and years!) to come. What a cute little guy!!!