Monday, September 24, 2007

Our First Family Vacation (Santa Cruz, CA)


Rebecca said...

Wow, you guys had a great time!! I'm so glad you took a family vacation--it's all about those fun family memories!! :) Love your group photos, too! ;)

Anonymous said...

Those are some AMAZING photos!
I love the black/white film display, too. Even then Jadon's eyes shine out BLUE!
Thanks for sharing your vacation with us. It looks like you all had a really great time.

tialatha said...

thank-you for sharing pictures of jadon growing up. it is really special for us to watch him grow up and he is adorable.

J, D, and A said...

These pictures turned out great and I LOVE how you displayed them. It looks like you guys had fun on your first family vacation. Great memories to cherish forever.

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, he's such a little man! Looks like you guys got the relaxation you deserve! What a fun vacation! Man, Jadon is amazing and adorable! Much Love, Stacey