Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Bam Bam

Jadon has begun to bat at objects. He starting to realize that he can use his hands!


J, D, and A said...

It's so fun as they start to interact more and more. I would LOVE to see you and meet the new little guy. I will call Tina's house the the 14th to find out when is the best time for you. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

AAWWWWWWW fun fun. I miss this stage. Where they just sit there and are completely adorable and you can watch their little brains moving! I'm excited for Gavin to meet is "Baby" Cousin! I'm sure Gavin will give him lots of hugs and kisses. (As if he's not getting enough already! hee hee)
LOVE YA, Stacey

Anonymous said...

Only a couple weeks and you'll be here! YIPPEE!!! I saw Delyse's note. She and Susan and a couple other young mommies meet with their little ones weekly and I asked if they would like to include you and Jadon while you are here. I think they meet on Wednesday mornings, while I'm at my ladie's bible study. That might be fun for all of you!
Can't wait to have you here! Sad that daddy can't come, but know he's about the Father's business!
Love you all,

Rebecca said...

Hey Kate! I was trying to email you but can't find an address or link on your blog...will you please email me at rbaggaley@gmail.com--I was wondering when we could get together while we're out your way... Jadon is so adorable and getting so big, so fast!

Anonymous said...

ok, so like, when are we going to get an UPDATE? I hope Daddy is just getting back into the swing of things after returning from Japan and I KNOW Mommy and Jadon are thrilled to have him back home! Can't wait to hear of all the Lord's blessings from the trip!
We love you all!
Mom and Mike

Anonymous said...

Hi there burdick family, remember me...christine Rodriguez, well the last time i sall ya'll I was becoming a Rodriguez, can you believe its already been more than a year. your lil boy is so incredably cute!!!! How are you guys doing? I remember when kate stayed at my house all the time when visiting redlands, (remember the rose peddels on the bed??? haha. good times. Love, Christine
my email is mrs.rodriguez1@gmail.com