Saturday, June 9, 2007

Happy Birthday Jadon - 2 Months Old

It's hard to believe that it's already been 2 months since the day our little man cub was born. But today we were able to spend the day together as a family, something that is rare and cherrished thing around this home. And at 2 months of age, Jadon is already smiling & chatterins, freely moving his own head around when playing on the floor, and already has a favorite song: J-A-D-O-N (set to the tune of Bingo) Sound something like this...
There was a dad/mom who had a son
And Jadon is his name - o
J - A - D - O - N
J - A - D - O - N
J - A - D - O - N
J - A - D - O - N
And Jadon was his name - o


J, D, and A said...

WOW!! Two months already. He's getting so big. What a wonderful little family.

Hulst mommy said...

That is the cutest picture ever! Congrats to your family. We can't wait to meet him at church!

Anonymous said...

Your Family is adorable you guys are so cute! Jadon is a beautiful little boy i can't wait to meet him for the first time! I hope everything is well and you are enjoying you first time being a father, and Kate being a mommy!

Love you guys,

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT! What a beautiful song in his honor! I can't wait to hear how his first Camping trip went! Praying for you all this week and that the Lord blesses your efforts and souls come to know Him as Lord and Savior!
God Be With You! Mamma/Gramma

tialatha said...

I love this song,we sing it at school,but it's a lot cuter using J-A-D-O-N .
Love u much,
Guy and Tialatha