Thursday, April 26, 2007

Mommy & Man Cub


Anonymous said...

Oh My Goodness!! He is adorable you two!! I had no idea that the bun in the oven was ready to come out and here it's been almost a month!!! Katie you look beatiful, and David you are one proud poppa. I especially like the pic of how Jadon peed on you!!! Ahhh, parenthood is fabulous isnt it!!! I love and miss you guys!!

Jodi Pate

Rebecca said...

Hi Kate! Congratulations!! What an adorable little guy. He's just perfect! I'm so happy for you and David. Hope to see you guys this summer and you can meet the rest of the Baggaley gang!

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate your baby is so cute! You are very blessed. May god continue to bless you and your family.
