Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dedicated to the Lord

In the bible, Jewish baby boys were brought to the temple on the eighth day to be circumcised and presented to the Lord. And so, this being Jadon's eighth day, Kate and I have prayerfully dedicated Him to the Lord:
freely from You Lord we have received this baby boy
freely we give him into Your arms
not that he was ever ours to begin with
he is Your Son on whom You have placed Your calling
God may Your purposes and plan be accomplished in His life
and may we never get in the way of that
but always encourage, establish, and equip Him in Your ways
may He grow up knowing You and Your Jesus through his life in our home
may He grow to love and honor You all the days of his life
may He fall in love with Jesus just as we his mom and dad have
and may He forever recognize his own life as being dedicated to you Lord
in Jesus' name we pray ~ Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I pray that prayer with you my children!
Since before Kate knew she would be pregnant you both have shared how the life of a child is a gift from God temporarily placed in your care to nurture, love, and prepare for the glory of the Father. I pray you are both faithful to this prayer through all his days.
Love, Mamma/Gramma