Wednesday, July 22, 2009

This week at the Burd house

I still can't believe he got blue eyes, beautiful.With a winning smile!FYI: Boys LOVE sticks... or is it only mine? Playing in front of the chicken coop.
Hi Ben!
Oh, what a sweet, grown up boy.
We spent last Saturday at my Grandma's house. We went to the park, a shady park... very hot day. Swam in the pool and had a lot of fun!
Jadon has really started to re-enact stories. For example last night we went to some friend's house. There was a lot of people there and later in the evening I went upstairs to take care of Ben. During this time Jadon is sitting on David's lap while the adults played catch phrase. When all of a sudden he notices I am gone, asks for me, David tells him I will be right back, and Jadon starts crying hysterically. So... all day he tells me how the game was "so funny" "people laugh" "give high fives" "mommy be right back" "I cry". Very funny. Very true.
Jadon thinks toe nail polish is Beautiful.
Jadon wants to pick every dandelion, every created, I only let him pick ours. Other people's weeds are still their weeds, right.? And pick up the newspaper.
Jadon is still girl crazy and not shy... at all.
Jadon calls my grandma, two grandma, because their are 2 grandmas, my mom and grandma.
I took Jadon to the movies for the first time. The new Ice Age movie. He did really good, but the movie was 1 hour and 45 min. too long. He seriously drank over two water bottles, therefore couldn't sit in my lap but stood, the last part of the movie I brought diapers, no shorts... gross.
OK, boys are sleeping: on to fold laundry, clean fridge, and unload dishes.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Things that I love:

Since I had my mom's fancy-smancy camera, I got to take some really cool pictures. I LOVE close up pictures of faces. I love when the picture is crisp and the backgroud is fuzzy.Look at those sad eyes! Ben gets this thunder cloud on his brow before the rain falls.
He's part way in the front pack if you are wondering what the blue thing is.
I have about a million more of these type photos, but that would take way to long to down load.
These were supposed to be thier own post, but alas, it didn't work the first time I tried and... it is late. Very sweet though.
If he wants a taste of what you are making he says "Tasty!"
He commonly exclaims "We made it!" and "I did it!"
He says "I like it" tonight he learned to say "I don't like it"  and as he fell asleep tonight he said half asleep "the movie, I don't like it"
Yesterday we were going out to play in the backyard and Jadon said "I get toy"  I said ok you can get a toy to bring in the backyard.  He came back with an arm full of Ben's toys to bring to Ben.

C'mon everywhere where we go there must be a...

Pillow fight, what else?

The do:

This is Ben Ben first thing in the morning, after a shower the night before. Stinkin adorable.

San Diego Zoo

I forgot our camera so my mom let me barrow one of hers... I love.
Ben Ben loves people and loves to laugh. In the elevator people would talk to him and he would smile, squeal, look away, and look back!What?
LaughingI love that Ben is actually trying to eat David. Seriously. How could you not love that face? Mimi got to spend time with Ben!
We had great time on our San Diego vacation. The boys did really great the whole time, even the airplane was just fine. They really are very good little boys. Andrew, Susan, Kendra, and Mimi came down to the Zoo as well. We had a great time and it was wonderful to see them. Jadon loved playing with Kendra and really loves his aunt Susan. One day we'll explain she is already married to uncle Andrew.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July

This nice lady gave Jadon a this hat and Ben a flag when we walked up. Jadon actually kept it on for like 5 minutes. I really think he forgot something was on his head.
I must remember to take off my glasses for pictures. Look at that sweetest, cutest little engine!
We ended up taking a drive up to Columbia on the fourth of July to see their parade. It was cool. They had a lot of people dressed up in "pioneer" apparel. Seemed appropriate for America's birthday. The boys had a lot of fun. The had "ol' time games" watermelon/pie eating contests, greased pole races. Because of budget cuts none of the nearby cities had fireworks :( I really wanted to take Jadon to see some. The city of Modesto shot laser lights on a screen accompanied by music... wow. We didn't go. I'm all for making due but... wow. We were so tired after the long day in Columbia, we really didn't want to drive far again. David had to get up super early and Ben was plain exhausted after crying the entire way home from Columbia (I seriously don't know how we could have got 2 kids who abhor the car seat, Jadon is fine now, I assure Ben he will be fine one day too!) I was almost going to just go to bed too, but then I decided to at least take Jadon in the front yard and see if our neighbors did anything or if we could see anything in the skies. It was GREAT! Just Jadon and me sitting in a lawn chair watching about 5 of our neighbors light fireworks along with various, probably illegal, big fireworks. Jadon thought is was Fantastic. I thought the noise would scare him just he loved them. He told me the light was jumping and wanted to touch them, so I let him... just kidding. So Jadon drank milk, sat on my lap with a blanket and we just watched all the fireworks for an hour. He is a great little buddy, so much fun!!
Cute Jadonisms:
He is seriously, almost, over polite, always saying please, thank you etc. even at times you wouldn't even think of courtesy!
Jadon say "hey baby", "hey honey", "bye honey". He will even lower his voice and say "hey baby." Even to strangers... We had one of our teenagers and her parents over for dinner and he went up to her and said "hey baby."
Everything is "all gone" if he doesn't know where something or something is it must be all gone.
We were making some things for our new coming niece and I was explaining to him his cousin was going to have a baby like we have a baby and he kept interrupting me saying something. I heard the work tummy so I thought he was trying to tell me something on a different topic. But then I heard him, he was saying "Susan's tummy." He remembered from months ago where his new baby cousin is, I thought he would have completely forgot. I was telling him old news.
Jadon had found the word "need." Now in a very desperate voice he will tell you he "NEED milk" "NEED sheep", you would be surprised how desperately you can need sheep,"NEED movie" "NEED food".
Jadon has shown, I think, an amazing demonstration in persistence recently. I will give him a task to do: breaking the ends off peas etc, go do something with Ben and come back and he is still hard at work with the job I gave him.
Well we leave for San Diego for vacation tomorrow, so next week I will have lots of pictures and stories!!
MUCH LOVE Blog readers!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

There's never an easy way

Ben Ben is learning to eat food, well cereal, I suppose it qualifies as food... yuck. For a while there I was certain more was coming out than I put in. It is getting better.
He never had a bottle mind you, but now... what could be more fun?
Update delivered Wednesday as scheduled, be sure to share the love.
Fun Jadonisms this week:
Jadon takes Ben's face so gently between his two hands and kisses him.
Ben was laying on our bed, while I was getting ready to take us all the the park. He started fussing, Jadon came up to him and said "I know, I know Ben" and then he went to the guitar and sang "The Ben Song".
Jadon says "I hold you me" I think he gets this from us saying "You want me to hold you?"
Jadon asks to "check" on Ben. Right...

Jadon rocks...

out to David Crowder that is. Only our son would be in love with the David Crowder Band and always ask to watch their videos on the computer constantly. And when we do let him watch them he runs to get the dust mop... to play gutair on... of course. I have video, I will see if David can show me how to put it on here. He like Neverending, the la las' get him everytime.

A day in the life...

Happy Ben! He likes measuring cups.

A's Game

Jadon learning the wave.
Field of Dreams Status... No?
Ben Ben snuggled up during the game.
So last Friday we went with my mom and saw the A's play. Those who remember how Jadon completely freaked out and the whale and dolphin show at Marine World... ditto at the baseball game. Not the screaming, crying type thing, but shaking, repeating mama mama asking to go home type thing. Maybe because we don't do the TV thing, he is not used to stimulation overload... like the rest of us...? But about half way though the game he relaxed and enjoyed himself. He liked the cheering and seeing the ball etc.